I have been teaching and demonstrating woodturning for years as I enjoy helping others learn about woodturning. This comes from both my passion for woodturning, but also from my extensive training background. I regret that I am no longer available to conduct demonstrations and workshops requiring over night travel. I have also discontinued conducting Interactive Remote Demonstrations via the internet.

My Training Background
I have taught woodturning at John C Campbell Folk School and have conducted workshops for many clubs. I facilitate a monthly hands-on workshop at my main woodturning club, the Chattahoochee Woodturners.
I have been an instructor and trainer as an additional duty for most jobs I have had throughout my work life. I taught Management part-time at a community college and served as an adjunct faculty member of the US Army Command & General Staff College for 10 years.
I helped to develop a training program to prepare new demonstrators under an Educational Opportunity Grant from the AAW awarded to Chattahoochee Woodturners. I was part of the team to help implement AAW’s Demonstrator Direct. This is a learning module with resources intended for any turner who has been or will be conducting woodturning demonstrations. This is available on the AAW website.