Videos of woodturning content to inspire and teach

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Click here to link to my YouTube channel Mike Peace Woodturning.
My woodturning journey took me from learning woodturning to teaching woodturning. I progressed from doing club demonstrations to writing magazine articles on woodturning. As a member of Gwinnett Woodworkers, I did several woodturning demonstrations that were videotaped and released on their YouTube channel. I learned about video editing and uploading YouTube videos as a member of their videography team. Then it was just a short hop for me to create my own YouTube channel in 2014 and start shooting videos. I am gratified at the amazing growth in subscribers, views and feedback comments. I typically release a new video each Friday. My channel has more than 800 woodturning videos with more than 58,000 subscribers worldwide and more than 11 Million views!
You can support my channel by buying me a cup of coffee. It is not necessary or expected but certainly appreciated! Just click on the link.
Viewer Testimonials
“Mike you never cease to amaze me. You are a great turner, teacher and most of all an amazing instructor. I love what you do and I always learn something from each one of your videos. Keep up the great work Mike and thank you again for what you are doing.”
“Mike Peace you make my heart at peace! You are a fantastic teacher and advocate for wood turning!! Great stuff! Understandable and I am not left with many questions!! Keep up the great work! Love all your videos.”
“Mike Peace you make my heart at peace! You are a fantastic teacher and advocate for wood turning!! Great stuff! Understandable and I am not left with many questions!! Keep up the great work! Love all your videos”
As a marketing affililiate I earn from qualifying purchases at The Woodturning Store. The Woodturning Store is a great place to buy Record Power chucks and many other fine woodturning accessories
As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases from my Amazon shop. I occasionally provide links to a number of woodturning products I use or endorse in the show notes below the YouTube video description. Please check out my Amazon Shop